It’s natural to ask yourself, ‘Am I ready for a relationship?’ because it pays to be sure. Serious commitment deserves serious thought, and being prepared for a relationship is much more than circumstantial: you must also be emotionally prepared. It’s about making peace with the past, feeling happy in the present, and being prepared for your future to intertwine with someone else’s…
In fact, asking ‘am I ready for a relationship?’ is one of the key steps in finding a successful match. It’s just this kind of introspection that will tell you what you need and want from a serious relationship (the EliteSingles personality test helps do this for you too). Ultimately, only you can decide if you’re ready for a relationship and ‘am I ready for a relationship?’ is just the first of many questions you need to ask yourself to find out.
Take our insightful quiz and continue reading below for our guide to knowing if you’re really ready for a relationship…
We all have a history of relationships. Whether you’re divorced, widowed, separated, or just had a breakup, the pain of past relationships can take its toll. When you ask ‘am I ready for a relationship?’ your first question should really be ‘how much is my past relationship affecting my present life?’
The past is the past and you have to leave it there. Make sure you have left an adequate amount of time between your last relationship and the new one. And yes, sadly, only you can know how long it is! If you keep thinking about your own misgivings about your ex, don’t make your future relationship the injustice of carrying that baggage with you. Get rid of him first. flirtwith
Preparing for a relationship
Focus on yourself for a moment; To be ready for a relationship, you need to be in a stable position in your life and this means being comfortable in your own skin. It’s a bit of a cliché, but it’s true: you need to feel happy as a single person before you can be happy in a relationship.
If you feel like you need a relationship to complete you, or feel like all your problems will be solved when you find a partner, then you’re not ready for a relationship. If you’re still asking ‘am I ready for a relationship?’ why not ask “am I happy by myself?” instead of. If the answer is yes, then it could be!
But being ready for a relationship is more than just being happy. Relationship writer James Michael Sama reminds us that “it’s hard to plan a future with someone who has no future plans for himself.” It is good to have your own goals in life; Not only will they make you more attractive to a potential partner, but the ambition will also help you focus on your priorities. Once you’ve set them up, you’ll know exactly what kind of relationship you want and what kind of person you’ll want it with, too.
Ideally, you should have many interests outside of your work and family life because, even when you are finally in a relationship, it’s important to satisfy your own individuality. Our advice is this: your social life matters: your friends, your hobbies, these are the things that make you you. There is nothing more important in your search for lasting love, so before you start dating, take time to enjoy your own company and the things you love to do.
Am I ready for a committed relationship?
The ultimate way to tell if you’re ready for a relationship is if you can imagine yourself in one, warts and all. Accepting someone new into your life requires an open mind and a generous flirtwith.com spirit. No matter how compatible two people are, you and your future partner will have occasional petty complaints. They can do things that annoy you. You will have arguments.
Happiness in a relationship roughly equals how willing you are to accept someone for who they are. If you deserve to be adored just the way you are, so does your partner! The relationship, after all, is synonymous with mutual openness, honesty, and understanding.
Are you ready for a commitment too? Relationship expert Evan Marc Katz writes. That “you don’t have to lose yourself in a partnership. But you do have to be willing to give a LOT to be a worthy partner.” 2 Being in a serious relationship depends on your ability to share your life. To the point where you won’t know where your life ends and theirs begins. Are you excited by the prospect of welcoming someone new into your life wholeheartedly. Embracing your life, friends, family, and everything in between, and vice versa? If the answer is yes, you are ready.
There’s no shame in taking a little extra time for yourself; don’t feel pressured to find a relationship if you’re not ready for one. If you’ve gotten over your past, are happy in your own skin. And are willing to accept another person for who they are, it’s definitely time to consider dating!